Rejection #25

Rejection #25 Waywiser Press

Dear Mr Took

Thank you for sending us the chapters from your books (The Storms of Acias & The Voices of Light and Dark) I'm afraid I don't think either would be suitable for our list, but am grateful to you for allowing us to consider them.

I wish you good luck elsewhere.

Yours Sincerely,

Philip Hoy

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

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Rejection #24

Rejection #24 Kunati

Dear Dominic

Thank you for querying Kunati regarding your novel The Voices of Light and Dark. I’m sorry to tell you that we’re going to pass on it. It is simply not what we’re looking for at Kunati at this time. I wish you all success with it.


All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

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