Rejection #26

Rejection #26 William Morris Agency (UK) Ltd

22 July 2008

Dear Dominic,

Thank you for approaching William Morris regarding representation for your book, THE VOICES OF LIGHT AND DARK.

While we enjoyed the concept, unfortunately your book is not quite right for; we don’t generally represent sci-fi authors and their work. You may well be aware of such resources already, but I encourage you to obtain a copy of a book like the WRITERS' AND ARTISTS' YEARBOOK, which could direct you to an agency with more suitable specialties.

I am very sorry to write to you with this disappointing response. I wish you the best of luck in seeking representation at another agency.

With kind regards,

William Morris Literary Division

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(234 left to go)

Rejection #25

Rejection #25 Waywiser Press

Dear Mr Took

Thank you for sending us the chapters from your books (The Storms of Acias & The Voices of Light and Dark) I'm afraid I don't think either would be suitable for our list, but am grateful to you for allowing us to consider them.

I wish you good luck elsewhere.

Yours Sincerely,

Philip Hoy

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(235 left to go)

Rejection #24

Rejection #24 Kunati

Dear Dominic

Thank you for querying Kunati regarding your novel The Voices of Light and Dark. I’m sorry to tell you that we’re going to pass on it. It is simply not what we’re looking for at Kunati at this time. I wish you all success with it.


All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(236 left to go)

Rejection #23

Rejection #23 Matthew Bialer

Dear Dominic,

Thanks for the sample chapters. Sorry it took this long to get back to you!

Unfortunately I am not going to offer representation. The idea really is intriguing, and it is obvious that you feel passionate about this story. That being said, hard science fiction is a tough sell at the best of times, and there isn't really much of a market for it right now. I just don't think that I'm enthusiastic enough about this to be your most successful advocate.

Please remember that this is only one opinion. Thanks again for your interest, and best of luck for the future.

Best wishes. M

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(237 left to go)

Rejection #22

Rejection #22 Canongate

Hi Dominic

Thanks for your patience while I’ve been considering the novel. I’m afraid that it’s not for us. I enjoyed the concept, but we don’t specialise in books of a specifically sci-fi nature, unless we feel we break them out to a wider audience or that they’re truly exceptional. But you seem to be doing well and getting yourself out there, and there are other publishers, such as Orbit, Gollancz, Abaddon Books and Titan who this might really appeal to.



All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(238 left to go)

Rejection #21

Rejection #21 Anubis Literary Agency

Thank you for giving this agency the chance to consider your work. Unfortunately, the material that you are proposing is not quite what we are looking for. We realise this will come as a disappointment but please bear in mind another agency may well feel differently.

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(239 left to go)

Rejection #20

Rejection #20 United Agents - Charlotte Knee

Dear Dominic

Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to read your sample material from VOICES OF LIGHT AND DARK.

Your concept is very engaging and your writing style competent. However I wasn’t gripped by the material, and don’t feel passionately about it to be able to confidently represent it to publishers on your behalf. Therefore I don’t believe that I am the right agent for you. Of course my opinion is purely subjective and others may and will think otherwise.

I wish you all the best with your work

With very best wishes


Robert Kirby

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(240 left to go)

Rejection #19

Rejection #19 Little, Brown

Dear Dominic Took,

Thank you for sending your book proposal to
Piatkus and we apologise for any delay in responding.

I am afraid that, after careful consideration, we have decided it is not quite right for our list. However, we appreciate having had the opportunity to consider your material, and wish you luck placing it elsewhere.

Thank you for your
interest in Piatkus


Editorial Department

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

PS, if your wondering I'm also about to start sending out my fourth novel, which I haven't yet disclosed the title of. Currently I'm editing the book, before I send it off to agents and publishers all over again.

(241 left to go)

Rejection #18

Rejection #18 Donald Maass Lit Agency

Dear Dominic:

Thank you for your recent query letter. I appreciate your patience while I’ve considered your project.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid I must pass on your novel. I represent a very full list of authors and must be highly selective in adding to it.

Thanks again for thinking of me. Please accept my best wishes for your project’s success.




All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(242 left to go)

Rejection #17

Rejection #17 Johnson & Alcock Ltd

Dear Dominic,

Many thanks for contacting us about your work. Unfortunately we didn't think this was right for the areas on which we focus.

Thank you for thinking of us and we wish you all the best in finding representation elsewhere.

Best Wishes,
Ed Wilson

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(243 left to go)

Rejection #16

Rejection #16 Toby Eady Associates

Dear Dominic,

Thank you for sending this through. I’m afraid we would not be the right agency for your work but I wish you the best of luck finding representation elsewhere.


All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions.

(244 left to go)

Rejection #15

Rejection #15 Darley Anderson

"Dear Dominic Took,

Thank you for giving the DARLEY ANDERSON AGENCY a chance to consider your work.

We are replying as soon as possible to give you the best chance of finding the right agent. We specialise in commercial fiction and non-fiction tailor made for the mass market and therefore we have to be confident of substantial sales quantities before taking on a project.

Don't be too disheartened by this letter - due to huge pressure of work, we have to be very selective - we receive 300 submissions per week and can only take on two or three new writers a year.

We wish you luck elsewhere.

Yours sincerely,

Camilla Bolton

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(245 left to go)

Rejection #1-#14

March 13, 2008

Rejection #14 Jack Byrne

"Dear Mr. Took:

I wish to thank you for giving me an opportunity to review the opening pages of your book. You’ve obviously put a great deal of time and effort into it.

However, I currently have enough clients to keep me more than comfortably busy and I’m afraid that I simply didn’t find the story (and the telling of it) compelling enough to add it to my already crowded list. I’ve tried to make it a policy to never take on material unless I am both personally and professionally excited enough about it to give it and the author the attention they deserve; to do otherwise would be unfair to us both. Please remember that this is a highly arbitrary decision; other agents might feel differently.

I wish you the best of luck in finding representation elsewhere.


Jack Byrne

Sternig & Byrne Literary Agency"

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(246 left to go)

March 10, 2008 - Rejection #13

Rejection #13 Rosemary Canter (United Agents)

"Dear Dominic

I’m sorry to disappoint you, but have to say that although I was interested by your writing, I didn’t feel sufficiently strongly about it to think I would be the right agent for you.

I do hope you will have more success elsewhere.

All best wishes,

Rosemary Canter"

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(247 left to go)

March 8, 2008 - Rejection #12

Rejection #12 Marjacq Scripts

"Thank you for your submission to Marjacq Scripts. Unfortunately, we did not feel that the agency could place this successfully on your behalf.

May we wish you the best of luck in your search for representation.

Marjacq Scripts"

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

I'd just like to add that this rejection was photocopied and wasn't signed. If your not sure what this means, it often means the Manuscript wasn't read, or that it was only given a quick look.

(248 left to go)

March 7, 2008 - Rejection #11

Rejection #11 Writer's House

"Dear Dominic,

Thank you for contacting Merrilee Heifetz about representation for your novel THE VOICES OF LIGHT AND DARK. Your proposal has been considered, but I regret that our office will not be offering representation at this time.

The concept behind your idea is interesting, however I’m afraid we didn’t respond with the rare enthusiasm we believe necessary to give you the kind of service your work deserves. Furthermore, due to Merrilee’s full client list, she must limit the number of new projects she agrees to undertake.

I sincerely apologize for the impersonal nature of this reply—we receive hundreds of submissions each month. Please accept our best wishes for your project’s success and thank you for thinking of Writers House.


Kari Torson

On behalf of Merrilee Heifetz

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(249 left to go)

March 7, 2008 - Rejection #10

Rejection #10 Ashley Grayson

"OK, I'll pass for the moment. Frankly I didn't even read the four pages of dense tiny type.

I quit right after the second sentence. A novel is a story; a novel is not a discussion of an imponderable question. It's OK to explore such a topic in fiction, but you can't let the reader know your purpose and you can't ever use the promise of "important concepts" to tempt the reader to read the book.

The paragraph in the email is not at all enticing.

Try studying the suggestions at:

When you can get this down into short paragraphs, submit again.”

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(250 left to go)

March 7, 2008 - Rejection #9

Rejection #9 John Jarrold

"Dear Dominic

As promised, I have now read your material – apologies for the delay. I can see the imagination and intelligence at work here, but I can’t honestly say I loved it. After fifteen years in publishing, I'm all too aware how difficult it is to get a publisher interested in a new writer, so I feel that I do have to love my clients' work - personally and professionally - to do the best possible job. If I don't feel that strongly, I'm the wrong agent. Publishing in a notoriously subjective industry, and you need both an agent and an editor who do love your work. Sadly, I just didn’t get fully involved in the story or characters.

All best wishes for the future, and apologies again for the delay - just pressure of work.


John Jarrold

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(251 left to go)

March 4, 2008 - Rejection #8

Rejection #8 Janklow & Nesbit (UK) Ltd

Dear Dominic Took,

Many thanks for sending in a sample of your work for our consideration.
I am terribly sorry but circumstances require us to be highly selective in terms of representation. I am afraid this is not for us and I must therefore turn down your kind offer on this occasion.

I sincerely wish you every success with your writing in the future and thank you once again for allowing us to see your work.

Best wishes,"

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(252 left to go)

March 1, 2008 - Rejection #7

Rejection #7 Aitken Alexander

Dear Dominic,

Thank you for your recent submission which we have considered with care. I fear we not feel able to offer the representation you seek.

We wish you every good fortune with your work in the future.


Aitken Alexander Associates

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(253 left to go)

February 29, 2008 - Rejection #6

Rejection #6 Raft Representation

"Thanks for sending them so quickly. I've had a quick read and I'm afraid I'll have to be a bit harsh. The synopsis is quite badly written and poorly structured which is not encouraging. I would recommend you re-write it to, perhaps, explain what the novel aims to achieve (is it just fun/entertainment, or is it saying something deeper about humanity/reality, for instance?). A lot of agents and publishers only look at the synopsis and decide to say 'no' at that stage - I always read some of the book too as a synopsis is actually probably harder to write than the book itself. I've seen some very bad synopses for quite good books. So I've started reading the sample chapters, but I'm afraid you lost my interest almost immediately. The very opening phrase of the book is really clumsy and I'm afraid I found the prose style off-putting. It's also the opening phrase of a long, convoluted sentence with too many clauses and actually a lack of clarity of meaning ... what does "A flicker of bright light in his distant memory began to fade" mean? A flicker implies it was small - the bright says the opposite- then you say it is distant, and it's fading too. In other words this bright light, whatever it was, is barely there at all. So how or why is this significant? This is just confusing and as your opening statement it lacks drama and meaning. Reading on for another 3 pages didn't really help - a lot of the phrasing was clumsy or overstated "The sequence of events that had begun to unfold was what he had seen a thousand times before.." is a heavy way of saying "He had seen this a thousand times before...". As you can imagine I'm inundated with manuscripts as are most publishers and agents - so I don't have time to persist if the beginning doesn't engage me. Writers really have to grab the reader at the very beginning which this just failed to do for me. It might be that the book picks up or has something to recommend it, but if that can't be found at the outset it's going to be hard to get anyone to look seriously at it.

I'm sorry to be negative - and I'd never want to put anyone off trying to write or trying to get published. While I'm afraid I can't help you with this book, I do hope someone can! But I do think you need to at the very least edit it and reconsider the beginning.

Good luck, and thanks for showing it to me.

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(254 left to go)

February 28, 2008 - Rejection #5

Rejection #5 Snowbooks


Thank you so much for your submission. I’m afraid that Snowbooks will not be able to publish your manuscript, but I do wish you the best of luck in finding a suitable publisher.

Kind regards,


All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(255 left to go)

February 28, 2008 - Rejection #4

Rejection #4 Maggie McKernan Lit Agency

"I don’t think this would be right for me..”

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(256 left to go)

February 28, 2008 - Rejection #3

Rejection #3 Antony Harwood Ltd

"Thank you for your message.

I’m afraid we don’t feel able to offer representation for your novel

-but thank you again for approaching us.”

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(257 left to go)

February 28, 2008 - Rejection #2

Rejection #2 PFD

"Dear Dominic,

Thank you for sending me the sample chapters of your manuscript.

On balance, I don't feel that I am going to be the right agent for you - I am sorry but do wish you all the very best. I hope you find an agent and a publisher before too long.

There are as many opinions out there as there agents prepared to read your work so please keep going. The website is a useful source of names and addresses.

Wishing you all the very best,

Simon Trewin”

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way. This rejection was sent even though I hadn't submitted the work yet, I merely asked for a proposal. Just goes to show, sometimes they might not even read the proposal.

(258 left to go)

Wondering what this is?

February 28, 2008 - Rejection #1 + Intro (The Rejected Author)

Wondering what this is?

My name is Dominic Took, I'm a self published Author and I'm 21, I'm also Dyslexic. Like so many other people I am attempting to break into the publishing market and after seeing so many things out there about it, but few people actually knowing the TRUTH about our lives. I wanted to make it very clear. This is rejection No 1, I have about 5 for my new title and I have about 18 for my other title (Not many). Each rejection is a big plus.

Why did I set this diary up? My goal is to reach 250-300 submissions this year, e.g. End of December 08. Why am I aiming for so many submissions? Because A) It seems that a select few authors who got their publishing deal, had to reach this number before they were seen, or even looked at and B) With what I now know about submissions not getting read, submissions being automatically rejected, submissions being read but not being right for the market, not right for the agent, not right for the publisher. Submissions getting halfway to the publisher and then being thrown back again. The edit not being right the proof not being right, etc etc etc. Feel free to count them.
With this knowledge, I know that I must submit as often as I can. Not just on principle, but because the ODDS are stacked against me. As Derren Brown recently said on Channel 4, not impossible, just highly improbable. Regardless of whether that was just another apart of his illusion, I can take stock in what he said. So here is rejection #1!

Rejection #1 Artellus Limited

"It's clean + setup - But i'm not convinced - characters are underdeveloped + the world is not fleshed out."
"Reaction to fiction is very subjective - Good Luck! Yours Artellus"

All rejections are posted AS they were printed or written onto my submissions. They are not fake and I have not altered them in any way.

(259 left to go)